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Let the professionals duplicate your KEYS

You may be tempted to use a cut-rate service for key duplication, but the reality is that most hardware stores don’t have the necessary equipment nor the experienced personnel to do the job.
We offer precise key cutting and expert locksmiths to give you the fastest, most affordable option to duplicate your key.
The largest inventory of keys & remotes available in Puerto Rico:
Residential and Commercial Lock Keys
Automotive Keys
Tubular Keys
Safe and Vault Keys
Safe Deposit Box Keys
Padlock Keys
Mailbox Lock Keys
File & Drawer Lock Keys
High Security Keys
If we don't have it, no one has it!

Door Keys,
Car Keys, Electronic Keys, Skeleton Keys...
There are so many keys for so many different types of locks that it can all get a little overwhelming. While house keys and car keys are relatively common and easy to discern, there are a number of different keys that aren’t common enough to be instantly recognizable.
Here’s a list of some of the many types of keys that we can duplicate for you.
Common Pin Tumbler Lock Key

A pin tumbler lock key is commonly found on homes. When held upright, as if to open a door, a series of grooves on either side of the key (the key's blade) limits the type of lock the key can slide into. As the key slides into the lock, the grooves on the blade of the key align with the wards in the keyway allowing or denying entry to the cylinder. Then a series of pointed teeth and notches on the blade called bittings allow pins or wafers to move up and down until they align with the shear line of the inner and outer cylinder, allowing the cylinder or cam to rotate freely inside the lock, which opens the lock.
Tubular Keys
A tubular key (sometimes referred to as an ace, radial or barrel key) is designed to open a tubular pin tumbler lock. It has a hollow, cylindrical shaft that is usually much shorter and has a larger diameter than most conventional keys. Tubular keys are commonly found on vending machines, launderettes, bike locks and laptop security cables.
These keys are often more difficult to duplicate than standard tumbler keys.

Double-Sided and Four-Sided Keys
Double-sided and four-sided keys are typically used on home locks. They differ from normal keys in that they have either two or four sets of teeth on them, with the latter resulting in a more durable key.
The extra sets of teeth makes the lock more difficult to pick, and are thus a simple way to increase security in your home and deter home invaders.

Flat keys
Flat keys are used to operate disc tumbler locks, such as safe deposit boxes, locker and furniture locks.
Disc tumbler locks are composed of slotted rotating detainer discs. A specially cut key rotates these discs like the tumblers of a safe to align the slots, allowing the sidebar to drop into the slots, thus opening the lock.

Skeleton Keys
Skeleton Key, also known as a passkey, is a simple key with a cylindrical shaft and a single toothed end that is used to open warded locks.
Disk tumblers tend to be more difficult to pick than competitively-priced pin tumbler locks, and are often sold as "high security" locks for that reason. Picking the lock is not impossible but typically requires dedicated, professionally-made tools. They may also require relatively more time to pick.

Warded locks, however, are no longer in use, and as such the term “skeleton key” has become a catch-all term for standard lever lock key. It is sometimes misapplied to refer to any antique key.

There are two types of skeleton keys: bit and barrel. A bit key usually has a solid shank, and a barrel key has a hollow shank. Bit and barrel keys are usually found in vintage homes, antique furniture, and used as decorative pieces.
The well-known “keyhole” icon comes from the design of warded locks.

The Six Most Common Types of Car Keys
Most individuals who own cars have experienced losing their keys at least once in their lives, and many wish to create several duplicates for added security or benefit of the doubt. However, there isn’t just one way to duplicate a key or create a car key replacement.
Mechanically Cut Keys

The mechanically-cut car key is the most common and oldest type of car key, and also the easiest to duplicate. Unfortunately, since they can be so commonly copied, they are also the most likely to become stolen and duplicated by an unknown party.

A double-sided key has two sets of teeth, an upper level standard set of teeth and a lower, less defined set of teeth beside it. This makes the double-sided key's profile and its corresponding lock look very similar to a standard key while making the attempt to pick the lock more difficult.

Sidewinder Keys
The sidewinder key is made in a similar fashion to the mechanically cut key, but is much more accurate and provides more complexity which increases its security value. Sidewinder keys have ridges and patterns cut on both sides, making it more difficult to duplicate. Depending on the model, these keys comes with or without remote beeper integrated.
Specialized machines are needed to duplicate these kind of key. We use an internal cutting machine to accurately cut both sides of the shank, making a unique key that can’t be copied anywhere else.

Smart Car Keys
Smart cars are equipped with keys that are far more advanced than transponder keys, and are by far the hardest to duplicate.

Smart car keys can allow the owner to remotely open and close doors, as well as start the ignition from varying locations.
While many people go to their car dealer to get a new or duplicate smart key for their vehicle, this is perhaps the most expensive route that you can go about the process. What you need is a locksmith service that can quickly and easily duplicate your smart keys.

A switchblade key is basically the same as any other car key, except in appearance. The switchblade key is designed to fold away inside the fob when it is not being used. Switchblade keys have become very popular recently because of their smart compact look. These type of keys are also commonly referred as Flip Keys. Because switchblade keys are only developed for new car models, they are usually equipped with a programmed transponder chip.

Keyless Entry Remote Controls
Electronic key fobs are used to activate a vehicle's remote keyless entry system. Key fobs are a popular auto accessory; they are a convenient and secure means to locking and unlocking a vehicle. Some key fobs are designed to remotely start the vehicle or open an auto's trunk.
We sell, replace and program a wide array of fobs and beepers. Also we can replace batteries you may need for your car's keyless entry remote.

Transponder Keys
Nowadays more and more cars come equipped with transponder keys in replacement of mechanically cut keys. Transponder keys (or "chip keys") are devices equipped with a microchip that allows the car to unlock when the key is close. The key holder also uses the key for ignition; if the key is not in the car, the car cannot be started.

Each transponder key is programmed to respond to each unique car’s specific code, and therefore it can be difficult to duplicate or especially to replace them. Fortunately, transponder machines are available and the right locksmith can duplicate a transponder key within minutes. The machine accesses a database of codes provided by all of the major car manufacturers, and once the code is matched up, a new microchip can be made and fitted into a car key replacement.
Chip Keys successfully protect cars from theft in two ways: forcing the ignition cylinder won't start the car, and the keys are difficult to duplicate. This is why chip keys are popular in modern cars and help decrease car theft.

VAT Keys
VAT keys, or Vehicle Anti-Theft keys, are widely an upgrade that can be given to any type of key and they allow for added security. This boosted safety measure can be taken by adding a unique security chip to the blade of the key, giving resistance to anyone who tries to open the doors and doesn’t have the specific key.

While great for security, VAT keys are the hardest to replace, since the chip used in the blade is very custom and its code changes from customer to customer. Most of the time, a car key replacement cannot be made. We recommend that a customer purchases and duplicates a new basic set of keys and then creates a new VAT chip to be applied.
If Your Keys Are Lost Or Broken...
... don't worry. We're ready to solve your problem.
If your key gets broken, keep the pieces and call or visit us. Our locksmith service will provide you with replacement keys in no time.
In the event of damaged or lost keys, we offer rekey services for locks. Rekeying locks is a safety measure when keys are lost to avoid unauthorized access. New replacement keys are made and it’s a good idea to also make extra duplicate keys.

Key Cards

A keycard is a flat, rectangular plastic card that stores a physical or digital signature that the door mechanism accepts before disengaging the lock. When inserted, the mechanism reads the signature, typically found on a magnetic strip on the card, to unlock the door.
The most popular types of keycards are the magnetic stripe and RFID proximity cards or tags.
Wireless Remote Control Transmitters
Garage Door Remote Controls
Replacements for major brands as well as compatible units that work just as well as the brand names for a fraction of the price.

Mini Remote Transmitters
Unlock secure doors, control house lights, or open your garage door remotely using a tiny wireless transmitter that resides on your key ring.
Can set up multiple RF control devices in your home.

Grand Master Key
With this type of master keying system, two or more groups of users have keys that open their door as well as master keys that open the rest of the doors in their group. At a higher level, a great master key is available that opens all the doors in the building. This type of master keying plan is common at office buildings.
Duplication Control

There are quite a few features of high security keys that set such a product far apart from its competition.
Only authorized locksmiths have access to classified information including key codes, equipment to make each key, and key blanks.
We make sure no keys can be created before the locks are sold. To meet this objective, locks are sent to authorized locksmiths without any pins. These are added later on when they are sold and the corresponding keys are cut.
To have duplicate keys made, an owner must return to the store of purchase. This gives each owner full control over who has access to their keys and who can have them created.
Additionally, for companies seeking full key control, we can provide them with customized options that cannot be duplicated by anyone but us.

Just One Key to All Your Locks
Keyed Alike
Basically keying alike means that locks in a set or ‘suite’ have the same key code, ie. any key fits any lock. This is convenient where a large number of locks are to be used by the same group of people or person but can be a problem if individual security is important.This system allows for a number of cylinders to be operated by the same key. It is ideally suited to residential and commercial applications such as front and back doors, padlocks, file & drawer locks, etc..

Master Key
A simple master keying plan consists of several doors that can be opened by each user with the corresponding key and also with a master key that opens all the doors.
Master keying is a keying system in which more than one key can operate a lock or group of locks. Master keying is commonly used to restrict or allow access to a group of locks in a facility based on a user's access level. Various types of master keying exist depending on the type of lock and the number of access levels required.